Azioni Nyse

Titolo Last Var% Data Apertura Min Max Operazioni
BILL Holdings, Inc. 91,510 +1,70% 22/11/2024, 21:00 90,820 90,550 92,160 +Info
BIT Mining Limited 2,770 -0,72% 22/11/2024, 21:00 2,710 2,660 2,920 +Info
BJ's Wholesale Club Holdings, I 96,740 +4,26% 22/11/2024, 21:00 93,520 93,375 97,530 +Info
BKV Corporation 21,930 +1,81% 22/11/2024, 21:00 21,480 21,105 21,930 +Info
Dreyfus Alcentra Global Credit 9,240 +0,11% 20/11/2024, 20:59 9,240 9,240 9,260 +Info
Dreyfus High Yield Strategies F 2,650 +0,38% 22/11/2024, 21:00 2,650 2,630 2,650 +Info
Dreyfus Municipal Bond Infrastr 10,800 -0,18% 22/11/2024, 21:00 10,860 10,772 10,825 +Info
Dreyfus Strategic Municipal Bon 5,960 22/11/2024, 21:00 5,980 5,950 5,980 +Info
Dreyfus Strategic Municipals, I 6,210 22/11/2024, 21:00 6,220 6,191 6,220 +Info
BOA Acquisition Corp. 9,130 +3,99% 26/10/2022, 19:59 9,450 8,650 9,750 +Info
BP Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust 1,140 +4,59% 21/11/2024, 21:00 1,120 1,080 1,140 +Info
BP p.l.c. 29,520 +1,51% 21/11/2024, 21:00 29,360 29,160 29,535 +Info
BRC Inc. 3,020 +3,07% 22/11/2024, 21:00 2,950 2,930 3,040 +Info
BRF S.A. 4,340 +0,46% 22/11/2024, 21:00 4,320 4,310 4,400 +Info
BRT Apartments Corp. (MD) 19,370 -1,87% 22/11/2024, 21:00 19,770 19,240 19,875 +Info
BW LPG Limited 13,550 +0,59% 22/11/2024, 21:00 13,410 13,360 13,640 +Info
BWX Technologies, Inc. 132,890 -0,29% 22/11/2024, 21:00 134,100 131,770 135,410 +Info
BXP, Inc. 80,660 -0,14% 22/11/2024, 21:00 80,950 80,420 81,850 +Info
Babcock & Wilcox Enterprises, I 1,900 +0,53% 22/11/2024, 21:00 1,890 1,810 1,922 +Info
Babylon Holdings Limited 0,550 28/06/2023, 20:00 0,630 0,550 0,630 +Info
Badger Meter, Inc. 221,000 +0,96% 22/11/2024, 21:00 219,780 218,925 222,060 +Info
Bain Capital Specialty Finance, 16,740 +0,60% 22/11/2024, 21:00 16,720 16,630 16,740 +Info
Baker Hughes Company 44,250 -1,40% 22/11/2024, 21:00 44,600 44,110 44,920 +Info
Bakkt Holdings, Inc. 29,310 -5,76% 22/11/2024, 21:00 30,900 28,260 31,172 +Info
Ball Corporation 61,860 +1,69% 22/11/2024, 21:00 61,110 60,978 61,940 +Info
Bally's Corporation 17,730 -0,17% 22/11/2024, 21:00 17,760 17,720 17,780 +Info
Banc of California, Inc. 16,950 +3,61% 22/11/2024, 21:00 16,380 16,350 16,950 +Info
Banco BBVA Argentina S.A. 16,550 +0,91% 22/11/2024, 21:00 16,440 15,950 16,760 +Info
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria 9,540 -1,55% 22/11/2024, 21:00 9,430 9,435 9,590 +Info
Banco Bradesco Sa 2,380 -0,42% 22/11/2024, 21:00 2,370 2,360 2,390 +Info
Banco Bradesco Sa 2,140 -1,38% 22/11/2024, 21:00 2,110 2,110 2,140 +Info
Banco Itau Chile 3,040 -1,94% 17/11/2023, 21:01 3,070 3,040 3,105 +Info
Banco Latinoamericano de Comerc 33,840 +0,59% 22/11/2024, 21:00 33,620 33,555 33,979 +Info
Banco Macro S.A. 80,910 +1,12% 22/11/2024, 21:00 80,000 77,696 83,400 +Info
Banco Santander Brasil SA 4,530 +3,66% 22/11/2024, 21:00 4,370 4,360 4,530 +Info
Banco Santander, S.A. Sponsored 4,550 -4,01% 22/11/2024, 21:00 4,530 4,510 4,570 +Info
Banco Santander - Chile 18,960 -2,57% 22/11/2024, 21:00 19,370 18,935 19,430 +Info
Banco De Chile 22,550 -3,67% 22/11/2024, 21:00 23,320 22,550 23,270 +Info
BanColombia S.A. 32,790 +0,09% 22/11/2024, 21:00 32,800 32,610 32,990 +Info
Bank of America Corporation 47,000 +1,16% 22/11/2024, 21:00 46,370 46,280 47,220 +Info
Bank of Hawaii Corporation 77,950 +1,99% 21/11/2024, 21:00 76,430 76,340 78,770 +Info
Bank Of Montreal 94,630 +0,63% 21/11/2024, 21:00 94,230 93,840 95,190 +Info
BankUnited, Inc. 42,720 +2,20% 22/11/2024, 21:00 42,000 41,950 42,830 +Info
Banyan Acquisition Corporation 10,900 29/12/2023, 20:59 12,990 10,500 12,788 +Info
Barclays PLC 12,970 -2,63% 22/11/2024, 21:00 12,880 12,840 13,036 +Info
Barings BDC, Inc. 10,200 +1,90% 22/11/2024, 21:00 10,040 10,035 10,210 +Info
Barings Corporate Investors 19,420 -0,77% 22/11/2024, 21:00 19,540 19,340 19,820 +Info
Barings Global Short Duration H 15,680 22/11/2024, 21:00 15,690 15,610 15,820 +Info
Barings Participation Investors 16,430 +0,61% 22/11/2024, 21:00 16,420 16,300 16,460 +Info
Barnes & Noble Education, Inc 9,910 +1,64% 21/11/2024, 21:00 9,660 9,410 10,020 +Info