Azioni Francoforte

Titolo Last Var% Data Apertura Min Max Operazioni
Bayer AG N 19,792 +1,05% 22/11/2024, 20:55 19,596 19,300 20,000 +Info
BAYERISCHE MOTOREN WERKE AG S 68,040 +0,29% 22/11/2024, 20:05 67,700 66,740 68,060 +Info
BAYERISCHE MOTOREN WERKE AG V 63,200 +1,12% 22/11/2024, 19:37 62,900 62,800 63,200 +Info
BAY.MOT.WERK.ADR 0,3333 25,400 26/09/2024, 15:04 25,000 25,000 25,400 +Info
Bayhorse Silver Inc. R 0,025 -3,92% 22/11/2024, 07:07 0,025 0,025 0,025 +Info
Baylin Technologies Inc. R 0,314 +1,95% 22/11/2024, 07:07 0,314 0,314 0,314 +Info
Baytex Energy Corp. R 2,838 +1,14% 22/11/2024, 07:07 2,838 2,838 2,838 +Info
BE SHAPING THE FUTURE SPA 3,385 22/12/2022, 08:15 3,385 3,385 3,385 +Info
BeMetals Corp. R 0,042 -5,62% 22/11/2024, 07:07 0,042 0,042 0,042 +Info
BeWhere Holdings Inc. R 0,535 -3,60% 22/11/2024, 07:07 0,535 0,535 0,535 +Info
Beach Energy Ltd. R 0,790 +1,94% 22/11/2024, 07:07 0,790 0,790 0,790 +Info
Beacon Roofing Supply Inc. R 100,000 +0,50% 22/11/2024, 07:05 100,000 100,000 100,000 +Info
Beam Global Inc. R 3,900 -1,02% 22/11/2024, 15:02 3,880 3,880 3,900 +Info
Beammwave AB N 0,372 +20,78% 22/11/2024, 07:05 0,372 0,372 0,372 +Info
Bear Creek Mining Corp. R 0,260 +6,12% 22/11/2024, 07:07 0,260 0,260 0,260 +Info
BEASLEY BROADCAST A 0,420 23/09/2024, 06:14 0,420 0,420 0,420 +Info
Beazer Homes USA Inc. R 31,000 +2,65% 22/11/2024, 07:05 31,000 31,000 31,000 +Info
Beazley PLC R 9,150 +3,98% 22/11/2024, 07:17 9,150 9,150 9,150 +Info
BECHTLE AG I 32,240 -0,19% 22/11/2024, 13:34 32,100 32,100 32,480 +Info
Becle S.A.B. de C.V. B 1,120 -1,75% 22/11/2024, 07:05 1,120 1,120 1,120 +Info
BECTON, DICKINSON & CO. R 217,600 +3,57% 22/11/2024, 14:06 215,900 215,900 217,600 +Info
BED BATH + BEYOND DL-,01 0,200 11/08/2023, 13:39 0,220 0,200 0,220 +Info
Bedford Metals Corp. R 0,400 -2,44% 22/11/2024, 18:19 0,436 0,400 0,436 +Info
Bee Vectoring Techno.Intl Inc.R 0,002 -33,33% 22/11/2024, 07:07 0,002 0,002 0,002 +Info
Beeks Finan.Cloud Grp.PLC R 3,080 -2,53% 22/11/2024, 07:16 3,080 3,080 3,080 +Info
Beewize S.p.A. A 0,525 22/11/2024, 14:29 0,525 0,525 0,525 +Info
BEFESA S.A. A 18,680 +5,36% 22/11/2024, 18:44 17,780 17,780 18,680 +Info
BEFIMMO S.A. 45,600 03/01/2023, 16:20 46,600 45,300 46,700 +Info
Bega Cheese Ltd. R 3,140 +0,64% 22/11/2024, 07:14 3,140 3,140 3,140 +Info
Begbies Traynor Group PLC R 1,040 -0,95% 22/11/2024, 07:11 1,040 1,040 1,040 +Info
Beghelli S.p.A. A 0,222 +1,37% 22/11/2024, 07:11 0,222 0,222 0,222 +Info
BeiGene Ltd. R 13,600 -2,86% 22/11/2024, 07:20 13,600 13,600 13,600 +Info
BeiGene Ltd. R 182,000 -2,15% 22/11/2024, 07:47 182,000 182,000 182,000 +Info
BEIERSDORF AG I 122,450 +1,41% 22/11/2024, 12:36 120,600 120,600 122,450 +Info
Beiersdorf AG N 23,800 22/11/2024, 07:11 23,800 23,800 23,800 +Info
Beijer Alma AB N 14,060 +1,15% 22/11/2024, 07:05 14,060 14,060 14,060 +Info
Beijer Ref AB N 13,225 +0,15% 22/11/2024, 07:11 13,225 13,225 13,225 +Info
Bj.b.Jade Bird Uni.Sci-T.Co.L.R 0,037 19/11/2024, 07:39 0,037 0,037 0,037 +Info
Beijing Cap.Intl Airport Co.LtR 0,326 -1,81% 22/11/2024, 07:16 0,326 0,326 0,326 +Info
Beijing Enterprises Env.Gr.LtdR 0,050 -1,96% 22/11/2024, 07:11 0,050 0,050 0,050 +Info
Beijing Enterprises Hldgs Ltd.R 2,940 -1,34% 22/11/2024, 07:03 2,940 2,940 2,940 +Info
Beijing Enterprises Wtr Gr.LtdR 0,254 -2,16% 22/11/2024, 20:49 0,237 0,237 0,254 +Info
Beijing Gas Blue Sky HdgsLtd. R 0,004 -42,86% 22/11/2024, 10:46 0,003 0,003 0,004 +Info
Beijing Jingkelong Co. Ltd. R 0,026 -1,89% 21/11/2024, 07:20 0,026 0,026 0,026 +Info
Beijing Jingneng Clean Energy R 0,230 +8,49% 22/11/2024, 20:49 0,212 0,212 0,230 +Info
Beijing Media Corp. Ltd. R 0,036 -4,00% 22/11/2024, 14:29 0,047 0,036 0,047 +Info
Beijing North Star Co. Ltd. R 0,080 -4,76% 22/11/2024, 07:16 0,080 0,080 0,080 +Info
Beij.Tong Ren Tang Chin.Co.LtdR 0,950 -2,56% 22/11/2024, 07:05 0,950 0,950 0,950 +Info
Beijing Urban Cons.D.+Dev.Grp R 0,179 -2,72% 22/11/2024, 07:16 0,179 0,179 0,179 +Info
Beisen Holding Ltd. R 0,478 -0,83% 22/11/2024, 08:15 0,480 0,478 0,480 +Info